We, the Carmelites at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church would like to invite you to join us online and experience our Carmelite resources:
www.carmelites.net and
www.facebook.com/carmelites. A number of other resources can be found on the Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary website:
Welcome to the St. Teresa of Avila parish community. Whether you have just recently moved into our parish area or just now discovered our presence here on Potrero Hill, we are thrilled you have found us online. You are most welcome to join us.
We are a small and inclusive parish community. We are one of the oldest Catholic parishes in San Francisco. We were founded in 1880 and have grown and evolved through many changes over those 130 years. Our size makes us unique in that it doesn’t take long for us to get to know each other and develop community. We will try very hard to get to know you too and do hope you frequently say hello before or after Mass. The first Sunday of each month is designated “Welcome Sunday” when we take time to introduce and welcome newcomers.
We love it when parishioners seek to become more involved with one or more of the many ministries or groups sponsored by the parish. We have a faith formation program for children that meets a few Sundays a month, a Senior’s group, small communities who meet in homes, a choir, a RCIA program, a social committee, a ministry of consolation, a vibrant St. Vincent de Paul Council, a number of ministries connected to the liturgy, and many other opportunities for you to share your gifts.
Again, we welcome your participation in this great parish. All our personalities are different and it’s understandable that for some it’s not so easy to introduce yourself. But each time you meet someone new in our parish, you have one more reason to come back.
Thank you for joining us. Please know that you are valued and welcomed.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Michael A. Greenwell, O. Carm.
St Teresa of Avila
390 Missouri St., San Francisco CA 94107
Phone: (415) 285-5272
Fax: (415) 285-8510
Email: info@stteresasf.org