Jeanne Burns
Enrico Hernandez
Ciaran Long
John Koehn
The St. Teresa Parish Finance Council is a consultative body of lay persons established to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. The relationship between the Pastor and the council is one of support and collaboration.
The Parish Finance Council is composed of the Pastor, as an ex-officio member, and not less than three reputable and practicing members of the parish knowledgeable and skilled in financial matters. Membership is by appointment of the Pastor. Members serve for a three-year term and may be appointed to a second three-year term. The Chairperson is appointed for a term of one year and may be reappointed.
Parish staff are not members of the Finance Council, however they may attend meetings at the request of the Chairperson to assist the council in its deliberations.
The parish finance council will meet at least four times a year. At every meeting, the parish finance council will review and analyze the financial activities of the parish, monitor compliance with the annual parish budget, review quarterly financial reports, and review the financial impact of the mission and ministry of the parish as established by the pastor.
Principal responsibilities of the Council include: